On April 9th Jason and I went for a walk at the park (you know since they say it helps with labor and all). After our walk we came home and showered and went to bed. Around 3:45am I woke up and felt something inside my stomach make a gurgle sound, like when a person is hungry, and then a quick little pop sound followed. I turned over and it felt like I wet myself. I didn't know if it was the real thing until I moved a little more and a bigger gush came out. My water broke! ! !
I tried to wake up Jason, I said, "Babe my water broke wake up" (i had to say it like 2 times) lol. I got up and it just kept coming out more and more and more. We got our hospital bag, I changed into some clean pants and we were off to the hopital.
We needed to put gas so we stopped for that and headed straight to the hospital. I think Jason was more nervous than I was because he almost took the wrong freeway. :-)
Evey 3-5 minutes i was in agony. Thank God for my hunnie if he would not have been there I would have not made it through. Thanks Babe I love you so much and appreciate everything you did.
So about 10:20am I could not take it anymore! I had the nurse check me and I was 3cm dialated and 90 % effaced @ zero station. I had to get the epidural! After the epidural everything felt a whole lot better. By 2:45pm I was @ 9 cm and so glad because the nurse said that she was going to prepare everything and call the doctor so I can start pushing soon. I started pushing around 3:15p and after an hour.....
was born April 10, 2009 at 4:16pm weighing
8 pounds 10 ounces and measured 21 inches long. I needed a few stiches because I had a slight tear, but once they placed my baby girl on my arms the pain was nothing.
Our little angel arrived to this world and we are happier than we have ever been.
She is so cute and im so happy to have her in my life. I cannot imagine life without her and she has not been here no more than 3 days. I love her so much. I just love her, love her love her!
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