Hello everyone!
So this is our first pregnancy and our first child together. We are both very excited and can't wait until she joins us and blesses us with her cries, laughs, coos, poopy dipers and sleepless nights. :)
It all began August 3, 2008 when I took a pregnancy test since I was already a week late I figured if i was pregnant it should show.
I took one and to our surprise it came out positive! I could not believe it. Two lines indicate that I wsa pregnant but one of the lines was so faint we decided to take a second one. As soon as we saw two lines on the second home pregnancy test we knew it... I was pregnant! :) Time seemed to fly and our first doctors appt came sooner than we thought. It was Thursday, August 25, 2008. Jason and I were excited to find out how far along I was and when would be our due date. The OB said that our due date is April 7, 2009 which meant that I was 7 weeks and 6 days. 
We also had our first ultra sound. She is so tiny I cant believe how tiny she was: just a little spec in the screen. :)
Even though I was happy I couldn't help but feel sick. Everything I ate made me sick to my stomach and this thing called morning sickness is more like everyday sickness because nothing stayed down. Some of my favorite foods like chicken wings and chili cheese fries became my enemy. YUCK :( This lasted until i was about 16 weeks.)

17 weeks. 21 weeks. 29 weeks.
Wow.... how time flies only a few weeks and you can see the difference... really! :)