She went to her doctor's appointment and basically everything went well. She is now officially a big girl and can begin solid baby food... she can eat cereal, veggies and fruits. Alyssa is now 14 pounds 1 ounce and 25 inches long. She is in the 78th percentile in height/length and 63 percentile in weight. She is still above average, but I kinda thought she would weigh more since she is eating so much lately.
I tried to prevent it but it did not work out the way i hoped. The next day at 6am Alyssa woke up with a fever of 100.5 I was so worried that I ended up staying home from work. Thank God I did because her fever got worse. By 2pm it was up to 101.3 and by then I freaked out, We ended uo buying her some medicine Motrin for infants. That definitly worked. by 6:30p she was back to normal. yey!
So, today was a very busy day. I took Alyssa to the sitter because I had to go to work today. Alyssa had ate 4 ounces at 4am, so her next feeding was suppose to be at 8am but she was not feeling well and skipped that feeding. She ate at 11:30 about 2 ounces but spit up all of it, then she just kept throwing up like 2 more times. Jason and I got so worried that we left work, picked her up from the sitter and took her to the doctor. Well the outcome was that Alyssa has a viral infection stomach flue.
Now she can't eat any food and has to drink that yucky pedialyte. Now she is hungry and I cant feed her any milk. That sucks. I feel helpless and when she cries I don't know how to make her feel better. Jason is being a wonderful daddy. He is good at soothing her and helping calm her down when she is fussing.
I want my baby to be back to normal, back to being the happy little baby that she is always.