Sunday, July 26, 2009

happiest baby in the world =)

Love that smile baby! Alyssa is truely the happiest baby in the world! Yes you are!!!! =) Going to the sitter and she's all smiles such a purrrty lil mama's.... I LOVE YOU ALYSSA!!!

Even when its hot and shes talking and laughing. Here she is in her crib having a ball!

Playing with daddy! Alyssa is all smiles and giggles.
And of course her knew hobby..... SUCKING HER TOES> lol =)

Watching you grow is the best gift ever.
I'm So glad you are a healthy baby and fun loving one too. Mommy loves you with all her heart baby.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Alyssa is 3 months!!!

Alyssa is 3 months now and cuter than ever. Here are some updates on what she's been up to...

She has a set schedule now. Alyssa wakes up usually around 5-7am days vary. She eats every 4 hours about 4-6 ounces. around 8pm she gets her bath which calms and cools her down from the hot summer day. She drinks her last bottle arounnd 8:30-9:30 depends. She quickly falls asleep when she finishes her bottle. She is such a great baby because she sleeps until 5-7am.. What a wonderful little girl we have.

Yes sometimes Alyssa can get a little fussy. like all babies she cries but i know i got it down. There are only two reasons why Alyssa cries. 1 being she is hungry but that cry is more like a whine. The 2nd cry is when she is tired and sleepy. She will actually cry until i give her the infamous pacificer and hold her till she falls asleep. This usually doesnt take long she is out in less than 5 minutes. When she is hungry and sleepy (usually happens at night time) all i have to do is prepare her bottle and she quites down, drinks her bottle and goes to sleep... and she practically sleeps through the night. Good baby.

Alyssa also LOVES to suck on her two fingers. she has her hands in her mouth 24 hours a day. She even has them in her mouth when im bathing her. lol Adorable.

Today, when I was changing her diper, Alyssa grabbed her feet. This is a first. Yey!!!! It was so cute she was playing with her feet and of course i had to take a picture. She still has not put them in her mouth =) but she is reaching out for them.

She reaches out for things now. I place a toy infront of her or her pacificer infront of her and she gets super excited and she tries to reach out for it, I've noticed and my mother in law has noticed too that she usually grabs things with her left hand. She tells me that Alyssa has a stronger grip with her left hand than with her right. Who knows maybe alyssa will be a lefty like her mommy!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th of JULY!!!!

For the 4th of July we took ALyssa to Knotts Berry Farm. She's young yes but she had a good time. I guess. lol We took lotts of pictures so that when she gets older she can look back and see how little she was when she met snoopy. =)

It was one last fun thing that we got to do before I returned to work.

Yes today was my 1st day back to work. I was excited to return to work but at the same time saddend that I had to leave my little one. Jason was watching her so I didn't have anything to worry about but still. The fact of leaving her for a whole day is something I was not looking foward to. I missed her so much.

Everytime someone at work said welcome back and asked me about the baby I blabbed on about all the cute little things she does.

  • She is not a thumb sucker but she does stick her index and middle finger in her mouth and sucks like theres no tomorrow. Its the cutest thing in the world. I Love it!

  • She also has the cutest smile ever. I love taking her a bath too. Alyssa you love the water mama!

  • When I take you a bath you kick and kick splashing the water with your little feet, that makes you smile. =)

"Alyssa Mommy loves you so much and you are growing so fast I know that you love me too and that you know im your mommy. Even when I am not there to watch you know that I am thinking of you every minute of the day."

Rock on baby! =)
Happy 4th of July!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy B-day to Mommy!

Today is my birthday! yey! Im now 24 years old. I spent the day with my little bunny. She was so cute. I put together her bouncer and she loves it! It was like my present for her on my birthday. lol My friend Adriana gave it to us for the baby shower and now Alyssa is big enough to sit and play. SHE LOVES IT and seeing her enjoy herself in it was a wonderful Birthday present for me! :)