it has been a long time since ive updated anything. so much has happened. alyssa is such a smart little girl. sheb is two years old now. we had a big alice in wonderland birthday party. she is truely loved by many. lets see whats new...
she is talking so much. saying complete three word phrases like i dont know, i dont want it, i love you, im hungry, and so much more.
she spends time reading books.. she tries to read them at least.. shes counting to ten. she starting to know her colors, purple and green. she has those two down.
we have alyssa in day care which i think is helping her a whole lot.
we have had an issue with her biting other students but i think we fixed that because she says to me teacher said no biting. i think its kind of funny the way she says that.
no more bottle either.. yay i stopped that about two months ago. she is strictly using zippy cups now. she sleeps in her own room too.
loving life with my little princess @ this time and i wouldnt have it any other wayy.